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African Mission

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Our Sisters in Central Africa are in Rwanda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We first came to Rwanda in 1970, the DRC in 1992 and Tanzania in 2005.


Some of these countries are often in turmoil and dissension due to tribal warfare and greed. We attempt to bring our charism of “unity in diversity.” We live in community, Sisters of different nationalities and different tribes, because the Love of Christ can unite us. In both Rwanda and the DRC, we direct and work in health centers to foster better health, nutrition and maternity care. The Sisters do pastoral work and teach in a variety of schools. In the DRC we have an academy, “Ecole Sainte Chrétienne” with a pre-school, kindergarten and elementary school for girls and boys.


In 2005 we founded a mission in Ngara, Tanzania, where the second language is English. Our Sisters had seen the great needs of the “street children”. Consequently they opened Nazareth Center, a shelter for homeless boys which now receives girls also. They care for them in every way and pay their tuition to send them to area schools. Several children, moved by God’s love for them, experienced through the Sisters who become ‘second mothers’ to them, have asked to be baptized and to make their First Communion and Confirmation. One young man has begun studies for the priesthood. Presently there are 21 boys from six to fifteen and 23 girls. These are all God’s very poor children who suffered greatly from being abandoned, orphaned, or from grave situations of abuse and neglect.


The latest project of the Sisters is the St. Chretienne Home in Kigali, Rwanda. The Sisters at this residence welcome young women who come to the city for employment or studies and need a safe place to stay. It offers them an experience in Christian community as well. The number of our African Sisters in the region is constantly growing. In Butare, DRC, our young postulants and novices receive an excellent formation to prepare for their vows and for a variety of ministries among the poor and in service to the people of the region. There are 16 Sisters who made their First Profession. 17 Sisters have now pronounced their final vows.


Two Sisters, Beatha Mujawingoma and Devota Sitwaminya, are presently members of our General Council. It was a great joy for us recently to welcome them to our Marlboro residence where they were joined by the other members for the General Council meeting.

This gives us hope for the future of St. Chretienne in Africa.

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Tel. 508-384-8066

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